Friday, January 22, 2010

2 at once?

Having the great breastfeeding support that I have here in Appleton, the discussion of tandem nursing came up while I was pregnant since I was still nursing Taj. Some one had brought up how nursing 2 at once was just too much for them. I had the thought in my head that this was just too much for me as well. I was still trying to wrap my head around nursing two babies, I couldn't even imagine doing it at the same time!

Then reality sets in! Here I am at home alone with two babies crying because they want to nurse. One is crying because she is a newborn and I imagine fussing out of hunger and the other just woke up from his nap and wants his usual nurse after nap time. I tried to go with the infant first, but my toddler starts screaming like a mad man!!!! What choice did I have but to nurse them at the same time?

I have never seen two happier babies. That moment was the beginning of what I am so proud of now. My two babies, one days old and the other about 19 months, both bonding with me and with each other. While they were nursing Taj reached over and held Peylyn's hand, that was a moment that will stay with me forever.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for more blogs! I'm so glad you listened to your babies and not a silly mama who couldn't handle it (who could that have been with stimulation overload..I have no idea!!???) I love your "about me" description :) As a former tandem nurser I can relate, although not usually breastfeeding at the same time, having both boys on my lap, bonding, holding each other, and then soon being their giggly pants little selves I have wonderful memories of this time in my life. So glad you are able to share the joys with others!
